photographer/editor: @warrens.img
i love crystals. as a child, i collected stones, rocks, and specimens from the streets, parks, riverside, and creekside. i've had an affinity for these minerals this whole lifetime.
i started making crystal jewelry in 2020. on winter solstice 2019, i set the intention to start making jewelry. by spring 2020, i ordered my tools and supplies, and started to teach myself a variety of skills, ways to work with multiple mediums, that would integrate to become the pieces you see here today. i launched my first drop for winter solstice 2021.
the art started off as crystalâ–µ. yet, as things took off, it became clear that searching "crystal jewelry" was not going to help people find the art. so, we changed the name to 8th house.
i'm into astrology, and have been since as far back as i can remember. i am a pisces - a double pisces, sun and moon. both my sun and moon are in the 8th house. the 8th house is the house of death, rebirth, transformation. these pieces all experienced a transformation, a rebirth. the processes are alchemical for me, transforming feelings, emotions, experiences - integrating life - into the art. ∞
each piece is handmade, one of a kind, original art crafted in upstate new york. as art, they should be handled and worn with care. these creations are an experience in listening. i channel designs and approaches. sometimes it's me creating, sometimes it's something beyond me. i listen to the crystals, to the guidance, get in flow, and see what happens.